Monday, October 7, 2013


For one of my projects, I had to take advices from artists around me and make an art piece out of it.  One of advices that kept coming up from several people was, Make connections, surround yourself with interesting people! “Use social media to network and connect to individual artists, galleries, art centers, non-profits, organizations etc. and be as aggressive as possible with exhibiting your work.”

I took the advice literally for my project and decided to make a blog, a tumblr page, and a Linked In  account.  I have always been very lazy about communicating and getting my work out to the public. I took this project as my opportunity to start getting myself "out there."  

So the procedures for my project was first, I got started on blog, Tumblr and Linked In account (Something I have never really tried before).  After, I went on to free QR Code maker website and got three QR codes for each of my social networking pages.  I used Photoshop to modify my code with different colors and printed them out to transfer them on to acrylic sheets.  I used gel medium for the image transfer and I let them sit for about 7 hours minimum to let them dry before I removed the print from the acrylic sheet.  Because I wanted my codes to actually work, I had to repeat these steps 2-3 times per each tiles to make clean, accurate image.   

trial version on the acetate

removing the image by wetting sponge

putting them on a bigger acrylic sheet with acrylic cement

<Final Project>

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